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Tag: Homeowners Insurance

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Landscaping?

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Landscaping?

Your yard is an important part of your home and requires a great deal of time, effort, and money to maintain. Landscaping can suffer damage from fire, theft, and vandalism, just like the inside of your home. If you have worked hard and invested a lot of money to create a beautifully landscaped yard, you may be wondering whether homeowners insurance will cover your trees,...

Energy Saving Tips For Hot Summer Months

Energy Saving Tips For Hot Summer Months

Keeping your home cool in the hot summer months can be as costly as keeping it warm in the wintertime. These energy-saving tips can help you minimize your electricity bill while staying cool and comfortable during the heat of the summer months: Set your thermostat to 78° or higher. This can lower your cooling bill by approximately 12%. While you are away from home, set...

Helpful Tips To Get Your House Ready For Spring Storms

Helpful Tips To Get Your House Ready For Spring Storms

April showers may be great for a lush, blooming garden, but the heavy spring storms can lead to very serious damage if you are not prepared. Homeowners can avoid costly repairs by taking a few simple steps before the first storm hits. Have a Plan in Place When severe weather hits, the most important thing is to ensure the safety of every member of your...